Continental Divide Trail – Day 17
May 18, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 13.8 / 338
I slept in this morning and when I awoke everything was wet from condensation. I went yo the kitchen and cooked me some scrambled eggs hoping things would dry out a little. No such luck. Being between two mountains the sun wouldn’t reach my tent until after 9:00. I packed my gear wet and got ready to hike.
Before I left I topped off my battery pack and talked with Ben while he got ready too. The trail between Davila Ranch was a 13.8 mile gravel road walk so I was able to make some pretty good time.
As I neared Pie Town I could hear and see a thunderstorm coming up behind me. I picked up my pace, but started getting sprinkled on about 2 miles from town. I made it to the Toaster House just before it really started raining.
The Toaster House is a popular CDT hostel and even though I was there about 1:00 all bunks were already taken. I picked up my resupply box and set up my tent in the back yard. I spent the afternoon visiting with other hikers and several of us headed down to the Pie-oneer Cafe about 3:45 in order to get early dinner.
They had Pizza, enchilada casserole, or a Turkey wrap today. I opted for the enchilada and it was pretty good and very filling. I finished it off with a piece of Cherry pie and picked up a piece of pecan pie for the trail tomorrow.
While we were eating it began to hail and rain outside so we waited it out before headed back to the hostel. Back at the hostel, I packed my gear out to my tent and got things set up for tonight.
I went back inside and visited for awhile before heading back to my tent in the rain. Looks like another wet night tonight.
The Toaster House