Continental Divide Trail – Day 23
May 24, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 0.0 / 444.2
I took a zero day in Grants , NM today. I went to the 66 Junkyard Brewery wi some other hikers last night and drank a few too many beers. I crashed as soon as I got back to the motel and ended up sleeping until 7:00 am (late compared to normal hiking mornings).
I showered (2 days in a row now) and headed to Denny’s for breakfast again. After eating I headed back to the motel and began repacking my food resupply. I realized I needed a few more freezer bags and went to Walgreens (next to the motel) and picked some up. I also picked up an ankle sleeve for the ankle I twisted on the lava rocks to see if it might help.
I spent the rest of the day working on video edits. I had lost some files and recreated them before I actually found my original edits. The internet at the motel was slow, but usable. I as able to get 4 days edited. I was hoping for 6.
For dinner I went across the street to a Chinese buffet and ate more than I should have. Feeling stuffed, I waddled back across the street to the motel.
When I got back I checked to see what was in TV and found “The Shooter” with Mark Walberg just starting. I finished out the evening watching the movie and then went to bed for an early morning.
Hiker Sprawl