Trans-Ozark Trail – Day 4

January 15, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 13.7/ 55.1 Today’s theme was waterfalls. As the trail wound through the Arkansas Ozarks it led past views of no less than 6 waterfalls. Some were just drizzles but some created nice falls. I made pretty good time this morning and stopped for lunch around 12:30. Shortly after starting back again I rolled my ankle […]

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Trans-Ozark Trail – Day 3

January 14, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 15.4 / 41.4 I started out a little earlier and finished up with some daylight left today. 15.4 miles put me at Hare Mountain and I stopped there for the night. Great campsite – even had a picnic table and a well for water. It got cold quick as the sun was going down. Going […]

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