Continental Divide Trail – Day 2

May 3, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 26.1 / 49.0

After hiking in the heat yesterday afternoon, the 47 degree temperature this morning felt great. I was up and on the trail before sunrise and enjoyed the cool air to start the day off.

I reached water cache #2 about 7:00 am and filled up while talking to Billie the Kid. The trail had been mostly single track and continued on as such on the other side of the highway. The trail followed the base of the mountain and climbed up and over a few hills. I was able to get a cell signal on one and updated my social media post before continuing on.

By now the sun was getting hot and I kept pushing for the hill tops where I could catch a cool breeze. I stopped at another cow water tank and got water and ate lunch under a nearby tree.

Getting back on the trail it was now back to single track through the desert. It was a quick 6 miles to water Cache #3 where I filled up my bottles for a dry camp. I took a few minutes to take off my shoes and let my feet breath before getting back on the trail

The trail went through some cattle grazing land before it started heading up into a canyon. Thinking that I might not be able to find a flat spot for my tent, I called it a day and set my tent up for the evening.

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