Continental Divide Trail – Day 6

May 7, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 21.7 / 121.3

Last night a bull cow came thru the area by my tent bellowing like he was upset. I think I might have taken his favorite sleeping spot. I laid in my tent thinking “I’m going to be killed on the CDT by a bull”. He eventually moved on. Maybe he was just calling his herd together because soon there was a whole herd grazing in the field next to me.

I got up early again to beat the heat. The first couple of miles was on a forest road going up over a pass. A short spur at the pass led to a fantastic view of the valley I came up yesterday.

Back to the trail it entered Gila National Forest and was now single track. The trail was in great shape and began descending down the other side of the pass. It was like I had gone into a new world. I had gone from desert to forest. I stopped at a pond and filled up my water bottles before continuing on.

The trail started up into the mountains and followed the side of the mountains toward burro peak. There was a water cache at the Burro Peak Trailhead and I filled up before starting the 1600’ climb up to burro peak. The lower portion was pretty open with limited shade, but about 1/2 way up the trail moved into the trees and the welcoming shade.

Close to the peak was a fantastic viewpoint with great views of the surrounding mountains and the valley below. Once over the peak the trail started a quick descent through the forest. I stopped at Mud Springs for some water and decided to stop here for the night.

I set up my tent, cooked dinner, and crawled inside my tent to clean up and update my post.

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