Continental Divide Trail – Day 28

May 29, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 9.7 / 551.3

The views from the bluff were pretty amazing and I packed up taking in the beautiful scenery. I was up pretty early so I could make the short trip into Cuba, NM in time to eat breakfast at the Cuban Cafe. As I was hiking in Slytherin passed me, headed for the Cuban Cafe as well.

When I arrived at the cafe’ Slytherin was already there and eating a platter of 2 huge breakfast burritos. I saw his food and order the same thing. It was delicious. After eating I headed across the street to the Cuban Lodge to see about a motel room, but they had a no vacancy sign up. I walked down to the laundromat and called from there and left a voice message.

I washed my clothes and just as I was finishing Woody and Brute came in to do their laundry. We talked for a few minutes and I headed out to the grocery for a food resupply. The Saveway in Cuba was small, but had everything I needed for my resupply. I repackaged my food under their front porch and headed for the frontier motel (since I never heard back from the Cuban Lodge).

I got there a little after 1:00 and the sign said their office hours were 2:00 to 8:00. I found a comfortable place to sit and waited for them to open. I was able to get a room and took a shower as soon as I got in.

After cleaning up I wandered outside to a covered gazebo and visited with the other hikers staying there.

We all headed to El Bruno’s Restaurante y Cantina for dinner. The food was very good, and the company even better. We all left and headed back to the motel and went to our respective rooms for the night.

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