Continental Divide Trail – Day 69-70

July 31 – Aug 1, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 0.0 / 1,165.5

Since I wasn’t going anywhere early today I slept in until about 7:00. I ate cookies for breakfast and made some coffee waiting for the pharmacy to open at 9:00am. I called and confirmed they received the prescription and had it available before making any further plans.

I was packing up and cleaning the cabin when Gayle, the owner came by the check on me. she had seen my eye yesterday and came by to see if it was any better. It wasn’t any worse, but not any better either. She asked me what’s my plans were and I told her I needed to get to Granby to pick up a prescription and asked if she had any vacancies for the night. They were booked up, so I said I would go into Granby snd just stay therefor a couple of days to make sure the medication worked.

I asked if she knew of any shuttle services between the two towns and she didn’t, but said that her husband wasn’t working today and might be able to take me. I said that would be great. She came back and confirmed and I was in Granby 30 minutes later.

I picked up my prescription, took the first dose, and headed to McDonalds to hang out and use their Wi-Fi. Within a couple of hours I could feel the puffiness decreasing in my eye and I was beginning to be able see out of it again.

The Inn at Silvercreek was across the street, and i wandered over about 3:00 hoping to check in. They were very strict on their 4:00 check in, so I waited in the lobby until then.

Once checked in, I spent that evening and the whole next day just relaxing in the room. I watched some YouTube video, caught up on emails, and took a few naps. The steroids worked great and by Tuesday evening I was looking normal again (if I ever did look normal).

By the end of the day Tuesday I was bored out of my mind and ready to get back on the trail. I’ve got about 5-6 more days in the Colorado mountains then I hit the Wyoming border. Almost 1/2 way there.

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