Continental Divide Trail – Day 83

August 14, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 28.1 / 1,465.6

I was up and on the trail about 6:00 this morning. It was the coldest morning I’ve had out here on the Great Basin. I think it was probably low 40’s.

The trail started out following a valley, but soon turned and started heading for the hills. I was excited because I could see the trees and was looking forward to hiking amongst trees again.

Unfortunately the trail turned before the hills and began following the valley upwards. There were a few trees near the trail, but it was still early and it wasn’t hot yet so I kept moving. I stopped and ate breakfast on the pass and then the trail dropped down and right back up another hill.

The water was very limited today. I camped near a pipe spring and filled up before leaving camp. The next water was a stock pond. The water looked gross, but filtered out OK. The next water was another stock pond and this one had green algae in it. I collected water, but was hoping there would be some in a water cache a couple miles up the trail.

I lucked out and there was still 2 gallons left. I filled up my bottles for the night and continued on.

I met several SOBO hikers again today including Lucky Hat whom I met when I did the Florida Trail last year. We talked for awhile and discovered that he is also considering the Te Araroa this year so we may meet again in New Zealand.

Despite the cold start this was my hottest day in the Great Basin. There was practically no wind and no cloud cover today. I used my umbrella to provide shade and it helped quite a bit.

I found a campsite about 7:00pm, but it was still pretty hot out. There was no shade to be found, but fortunately my tent provided enough shadow to cook and eat behind. After eating I crawled in my tent as the sun disappeared behind the hills.

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