Continental Divide Trail – Day 84

August 15, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 30.6 / 1,496.2

I was up and on the trail just as it got light enough to see. It was hot yesterday and I wanted as much early morning hiking as I could get.

The trail started down a valley and followed a semi-dry creek as it zig-zagged through the valley. The bottom of the valley was lush and green and the desert surrounded it.

The trail continued up the valley and over a pass at the upper end and then back down into the next valley.

About 7 miles in I noticed markers for the California Trail and the Oregon Trail. I was walking on the old routes for these 2 trails.

My first water source was upper Mormon Spring. It didn’t appear to be flowing, but the water was clear and cool. I filled up for the hot part of the day.

As I continued down the trail I met Die Hatd heading SOBO. I had hiked with him in New Mexico and he bounced up to The Canada border when I sat out 3 weeks from Pagosa Springs. We talked for a few minutes in the heat then moved on. About 2 miles later I came across Wild Card – another hiker I had hiked with in New Mexico who also bounced to Canada border to avoid the snow in the San Juan’s. We talked as well, but he was in a hurry to try to catch up with Die Hard.

I continued on to Sweetwater River and reached the bridge over the river about 4:00 pm. I scurried down the embankment and took advantage of the cool shade under the bridge while I refilled my water bottles for the night.

Back on the trail I pushed through the afternoon heat and hiked about 7 more miles before looking for a campsite. The trail was now on a gravel road and sagebrush covered the area on both sides of the road. I reached the top of a hill that was fairly flat and cut back into the desert to find a spot to setup my tent. I found a spot in a low area beyond the hill a setup for the night.

Once again the tent was my only shade and I sat in the shade of my tent as I cooked and ate dinner. The sun dipped behind the hill as I ate and I finished up and crawled into the tent for the evening.

I positioned myself about 10 miles from Highway 28 – the road into Lander’s WY which is my goal for tomorrow.

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