Continental Divide Trail – Day 88

August 19, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 17.9 / 1,565.7

I was up and started packing up before daylight this morning. I crawled out of my tent just as it was getting light and to my astonishment there was a great view of the mountains to the south. I had been focused on the Cirque of the Towers last night and hadn’t noticed the mountains in the other direction. What a view.

The trail dropped from this great Overlook toward Arrowhead Lake. It dropped about 1/2 down to the lake and turned onto a trail headed up to Jackass Pass. It was a short climb and the views of Lonesome Lake below were astounding.

I headed down the trail toward the lake and the rocky terrain gave way to lush forest and meadows. Despite the no camping within 1 mile of Lonesome Lake there were several groups camping down by the lake.

The trail circled the lake then cut up into the trees to began a 1 mile, 1200’ ascent up to Texas Pass. The trail was very steep through the trees, but once above tree line it became a more gradual climb and finally to the rocky cap of the pass.

The trail led across a snow field and then became a boulder field on the opposite side of the pass. From the pass was a great view of Texas Lake below. The trail down went almost straight down the boulder field and in many places the rocks had slid down and exposed dirt and gravel making the trail difficult to maintain footing on.

I reached the bottom and ate my breakfast on a large rock next to Texas Lake. Back on the trail it headed down the valley following Washokie creek as it passed through several lakes. The trail reach East Fork River and I forced the river getting my shoes wet.

The trail climbed to a plateau and passed several small lakes in the alpine meadow. The trail dropped down into a valley and passed by Cross Lake and Raid Lake. Climbing briefly the trail passed several other lakes as it made it way northward.

I stopped past Bob’s Lake to cook dinner and as I was eating a thunderstorm moved in. I finished eating in the rain and checked the forecast to see if it was going to pass. It looked like the rain would be lasting into the night so I found a spot to setup my tent. It started raining harder. I set up my tent, threw my gear inside, then jumped in. I changed out of my wet clothes and covered up with my sleeping bag. So much for getting some more miles in tonight

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