Continental Divide Trail – Day 95

August 26, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 4.5 / 1691.1

I was up early knowing I had to get into town and prepare a resupply box to send to Lima MT before the Post Office closed at 12:45

I reached the highway crossing about 8:30 and it took about 15 minutes to get a ride into Dubois WY. The lady who picked me up was heading out to meet some friends and do some climbing so we talked about climbing on the way into town. She dropped me off at the Super Foods so I could buy my resupply to send to Lima.

I did my shopping and was repacking my food when I thought I should probably find somewhere to stay tonight. Black Bear Inn was recommended, but showed no vacancy on their website. I called Wind River Motel which was just across the street and was in luck. She had 1 room available and I could check inn as soon as I got there.

I crossed the street, checked in and then headed to the Post Office to send out my box. The PO clerk was very helpful and I got everything ready to go pretty quickly.

Family Dollar was next door so I stopped in there to get my resupply for the next section to West Yellowstone.

Back at the motel, I showered and called Yellowstone National Park to get my backcountry permit. They were very helpful and I got pretty close to where I wanted to stay each night.

I then gathered my clothes and headed to the laundromat. I talked to my parents on the phone as my clothes dried and then headed back to the motel room. I tried updating social media several times throughout the day, but couldn’t get good enough wi-fi.

Dinner time rolled around and I headed to Cowboy Cafe and had steak and potatoes for dinner. It was delicious. I walked back to the motel feeling stuffed.

I spent the evening looking ahead into Idaho and Montana on the map, planning for the next few sections. I was in bed by 9:30 to get rested up for the next section.

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