Continental Divide Trail – Day 96

August 27, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 15.6 / 1706.7

The dark curtains let me sleep in until 6:45am. I got up, showered, dressed, and headed down the street to Cowboy Cafe. They had breakfast skillets and I was hungry for one.

I ate my breakfast and updated my social media using their wi-fi. I walked back to the motel and finished packing up. I left the motel about 9:30 and headed for the edge of town. After passing the business district I began sticking my thumb out for a ride.

A lady named Linda picked me up. She was on her way to Jackson and the trailhead was on the way. She dropped me off at the top of the pass and I thanked her as I gathered up my gear. Loading up I walked back to where the trail came out, crossed the highway, as nd started down the trail.

The trail started out with a gradual climb up to a pass near Sublette Peak. From the pass I had a great view of Brooks Lake. A thunderstorm moved in as I descended into the valley and I missed a turn and walked about 1/2 mile down the wrong trail. Backtracking I rejoined the CDT as it cut across the meadow.

The trail crossed the meadow and began a climb up to the Jade Lakes. These lakes were a very dark green which I discovered was due to a harmful bacteria growing in the water. They looked cool, but was not safe to get in or drink the water.

Following the trail back down from the Jade Lakes it crossed a willow filled marsh and headed up toward Upper Brook Lake. Passing the lake the trail entered the Teton Wilderness and wandered through the forest for the next several miles.

The trail eventually began descending toward the South Fork Buffalo River. I found a nice overlook of the valley and fixed my dinner there. Finishing up I continued down the trail and forded the river. About 1/2 mile past the river I heard thunder moving in from behind me. I wanted to continue on, but the trail began to climb and looking at the map it would be several miles before I would be able to find a flat spot.

I backtracked a few yards and found a nice flat spot in some pine trees for my tent. I setup, stashed my bear canister, and hung my bear bag (all my food wouldn’t fit in the canister). I had just got back to the tent when the rain and lightning started. I jumped inside and closed everything up.

It rained for about 45 minutes and then the storm moved on. I got things ready for the night and am finishing this up just before 9:00pm. An almost full moon has already risen in the night sky and is lighting up the forest tonight. I’m looking forward to a good nights sleep.

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