Continental Divide Trail – Day 98

August 29, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 21.1 / 1754.3

My campsite selection was spot on. No moisture this morning and everything was dry as I packed up. As I walked down the hill I had camped on there was as frost on the vegetation in the low areas below.

I got back in the trail and walked through the wet / frozen meadow as I headed down toward Mink Creek. This was a wet crossing so I was getting my feet wet early today. There were several very nice campsites on the other side of the creek.

The trail turned and followed Mink Creek up the valley for a few miles. It climbed over a ridge and then began following Snake River into Yellowstone National Park. Reaching the park boundary the trail turned and followed the South Boundary Trail for a short distance before turning and following the Snake River Trail towards Heart River.

The trail climbed up and down through the trees and meadows as it made its way into the park. There were a few good viewpoints along the way and I grabbed a few pictures. Reaching Heart River the trail crossed the river and began following it upstream towards Heart Lake.

I stopped at my designated campsite just short of the lake and found another thru hiker – Nomadic Norseman – already there for the evening. I selected a tent site, set up, and then we enjoyed our dinner together talking about the trail, and life in general.

After eating we stashed our bear canisters and each headed to our tents for the evening. Night comes early to thru hikers.

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