Continental Divide Trail – Day 106

September 6, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 27.7 / 1916.6

I slept good last night and woke up to a cold damp morning. It was pretty cold and everything felt wet from the dew. I dried off what I could and packed up.

The trail started out with a gradual climb for about the first four miles. Most of the trail was in a side hill and I had magnificent views of the valley below. Fog hung in the bottom of the valley and made for a spectacular views.

After the climb the trail began descending on what appeared to be old logging roads. The grade was pretty gradual for the most part with a few steeper sections.

The road followed the divide for awhile and then it continued down the mountain and the trail cut off and followed the divide. There were the usual ups and downs as it followed the top of the mountains and then it cut down to Alford Lake Trailhead.

Passing through the trailhead the trail began climbing up to Aldous Lake. I was hoping for a beautiful lake set in the trees, but when I got there the lake was covered with algae. Not the beautiful view I had hoped for.

The trail circled Slide and Baldy mountains then climbed back up to the divide. I followed the divide for a couple more miles before finding a spot to camp in the pine trees with a great view for the night.

I setup camp and crawled in my tent as it got dark. As I lay here writing this blog I can see a lightning storm putting on quite a show off to the south. I’m hoping it stays over that way.

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