Continental Divide Trail – Day 107

September 7, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 20.2 / 1936.8

The campsite I chose worked great last night. Rain did move in, but being under the pines kept my tent mostly dry and it had dried completely by morning.

I packed up and was on the trail about 6:45. I wanted to get to the I-15 underpass early enough to get into Lima today.

The trail started out with a 1,200’ climb that was pretty steep in some areas. I reached a pass at about 1000’ and took a few photos as I caught my breath. The remaining 200’ was a gradual climb through a meadow.

The trail stayed up high following the Continental Divide for a few miles as it crossed over Big Table Mountain and Little Table Mountain. The trail soon came to a fence line that appeared to be the Idaho/ Montana border and followed it for several miles.

The trail eventually joined a two track forest road and became a roadwalk for the next 7 miles to the I-15 interstate. Verizon cell service was very week here and I had to find just the right spot to stand to get a call in to the shuttle driver. I eventually got through and he picked me up and shuttled me in to the Mountain View Motel in Lima.

I showered and did my laundry then headed to Peat’s Bar and Steakhouse for dinner. I had a huge ribeye cooked to perfection and a huge baked potato. Of course I had to have a couple of IPA’s to wash that all down. I visited with some of the locals for awhile and finally headed back to the motel.

I posted a few blog post and crawled into bed about 11:00pm. Pretty late for me.

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