Continental Divide Trail – Day 111

September 11, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 24.4 / 2032.3

The campsite I selected last night was well protected in the trees, but wasn’t very level. It had a side slope and I kept feeling like I was having to balance on my mattress.

I was up and on the trail before sunrise again and got a couple of good photos. I keep hoping to catch some wildlife early in the morning, but haven’t had much luck.

The trail started with a slight climb then headed down into a valley. It followed a creek down the valley. The trail came to Tex Creek and I had to get my feet wet to cross. Only ankle deep, but too wide to jump and no rocks to hop.

The trail joined a 4WD road and stayed on the road for several miles. The trail wound up and down through hilly meadows and passed Morrison Lake.

The trail climbed up and eventually joined the divide. As it approached Elk Mountain it left the 4WD road and began climbing the side of the mountain on single track. As I neared the pass I saw a bear cub running through the woods away from me. I looked around for momma bear, but she was nowhere to be seen. I called out “Hey Bear” for the next several yards until the trail reached the pass and entered an open meadow.

I followed the trail up and around Elk Mountain and found a row of small trees on the next pass to cook my dinner out of the wind.

After eating I continued on the trail as it wound up the side of the mountain eventually reaching the ridge line. The trail followed the ridge line through open forest for about a mile. I noticed a nice flat area off one of the switchbacks and setup my tent under a large pine tree as the sun set behind the mountains.

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