Continental Divide Trail – Day 112

September 12, 2023
Miles Today/ Total: 7.1 / 2039.4

It was an interesting night last night. Just as I started to dose off I heard a big crash in the forest. It sounded like a tree fell or hot pushed down. I then heard branches breaking. Was it a bear? I don’t know, but I never heard or saw anything else. Then about 4:30am I heard a bark/ howl nearby. I lasted in and off for about 5 minutes. Once again I never heard or saw anything else.

This morning I woke up to everything being dry. I love dry mornings. I packed up and was on the trail by about 7:00am. The sun was still behind the mountains, but there was not an impressive sunrise this morning.

The trail was on a 4WD road as it followed the divide up and down over the ridge line. I had read there was a new section of single track that turned off the 4WD road but was not on the Far Out maps yet. I didn’t know where it was supposed to start and obviously missed the turn.

I eventually saw the new trail down hill from the road I was on and cut across the meadow to join it. Being new the treadway was in near perfect condition and it eliminated some of the ups and downs of the ridge line road.

I reached the trailhead about 9:45 and ate my breakfast while waiting for my shuttle ride. Mark from Mustang Inn showed up shortly and drove me into his place.

I checked in, sorted through my food and headed to the local store for a resupply. I picked up my food for the next 5 days and also some hotdogs for lunch.

Back at the motel, I showered and started my laundry. I spent some time updating my social media blogs and called to talk to my parents. I repackaged my food and got it ready for the next 5 day section.

As evening approached I took care of some business I needed to finish this trip as well as starting out my Te Araroa trip in October.

I went to bed about 10:30 (late compared to normal) and fell quickly asleep on the comfortable mattress.

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