Te Araroa Trail – Day 10

Wednesday, November 8, 2023Distance/ Total: 26.4 km / 16.4 mi Today started out wet again. It had rained a little over overnight and things were pretty wet still this morning. Despite the moisture I was packed up and ready to go by 6:30 am. Lupi and I walked together this morning and the trail started out as a road walk. […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 9

Tuesday, November 7, 2023Distance/ Total: 20.4 km / 12.7 mi I tried to sleep in a little but was wide awake by 6:00am. I slowly got around and visited with some of the hikers before heading out on the trail about 7:30. The trail started with a gradual downhill grade which eventually became steeper and very muddy. I struggled to […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 8

Monday, November 6 2023Distance/ Total: 22.8 km / 14.2 mi I was awoken this morning to the sounds of birds singing. I couldn’t see them, but they were sure singing loudly. I slowly got around, packed up, and headed down the trail about 7:00am. The trail today was all road walk and shortly after starting I saw Terren off on […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 7

Sunday, November 5, 2023Distance/ Total: 17.5 km / 10.9 mi Today is going to be a tough hiking day so Lupi and I are getting an early start. We were packed up and ready to go by 6:30 am. The first km of the trail was more road walk and then the fun began. The trail started to climb upward […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 6

Saturday, November 4, 2023Distance/ Total: 21.1 km / 13.1 mi I was up fairly early at the hostel this morning, packed up my gear and charged up my charging block. I called my parents while charging the phone and it was good talking to them 1/2 way around the world. I hit the trail about 7:30am. The trail started on […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 5

Friday, November 3, 2023Distance/ Total: 14.5 km / 9.0 mi It started raining shortly after I got in my tent last night and rained throughout the night. My new HMG Unbound 2 tent did fantastic in the rain except for two little spots along the centerline on each side. I’m not sure if the water was a leak or condensation […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 4

Thursday, November 2, 2023Distance Today/ Total: 31.5 km/ 19.6 mi I was a little tired this morning after yesterday’s walk and slept in a little later. Everything was wet with condensation this morning and I spent some time drying things off before packing up. I started down the trail about 7:30. Today was another long (31km) beach walk and was […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 3

Wednesday, November 1, 2023Distance Today/ Total: 29.5 km/ 18.3 mi I was up as soon as it was daylight and got ready for todays hike. When I crawled out of my tent I saw a wild horse grazing near the sand dunes. What a great way to start the day. Today’s hike was a long walk down the beach. The […]

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