Te Araroa Trail – Day 34

Saturday, December 2, 2023
Distance/ Total: 21.4 km / 13.3 mi

There were some very loud frogs croaking through the night and I eventually broke out my earplugs so I could get some sleep. I woke this morning to the sound of a sprinkling rain on the tent.

I hurried and packed up just in case it started to really rain, but it never did. I left the trail angels house today with Nielson (another American hiker from Montana). We stopped at a shop in town and got some breakfast and coffee then started down the trail.

The trail today is all on a bike/ walking path alongside the Waikato River. Being a Saturday morning there were lots of bike riders out and actually one person on rollerblades. The river trail had enough ups and downs to make the bikes look like a lot of fun – at least on the downhill sections. The trail crossed and recrossed the river on a couple of bridges and before long we were in Hamilton.

I got off the trail at the road nearest the Backpackers Central Hostel and Nielson continued on. It was too early to check in so I found a Mexican Restaurant nearby and headed there for lunch. After lunch I checked into the hostel, unpacked my gear, and took a shower. It always feels good to get all the sticky sweat off your body.

I took a short nap in the afternoon and did my laundry when I got up. Later I went out to dinner and had a great seafood pasta. Then stopped by the grocery store to pick up some things to eat while in town.

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