Te Araroa Trail – Day 44

Sunday, December 17, 2023
Distance/ Total: 25.0km / 15.5mi

The trail today is all roadwalk into Taumarunui and I wanted to get it out of the way so I could get to town and clean up.

The roadwalk was pretty uneventful and I think I only saw 1 car in the first 15 km. As I got closer to Taumarunui the traffic picked up and I had to step off the roadway a few times to let cars pass

I reached the town about 1:00pm and stopped in at the McDonalds and got a Big Mac for lunch. Not my favorite burger, but it was nice to have something familiar for a change.

After eating I crossed the street to Kelly’s Motel and checked in. I took a shower, washed my dirty clothes, and posted some blogs n the afternoon. I got everything caught up by dinner and headed down the street looking for something to eat. I found a Thai restaurant and had a delicious dinner. Next stop was the grocery store to pick up my food resupply for the next 5 days.

Back at the motel, I packed up my food and visited with Collin from New Zealand who is hiking the trail also. As darkness set in I went inside and was soon sound asleep.

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