Te Araroa Trail – Day 63

Friday, January 5, 2024
Distance/ Total: 33.1 km / 20.6mi

I was up and ready to hike by 7:30 this morning. There was 13.5 km of beach walk to start the day off. We started about 1 1/2 hours after high tide so we had nice hard sand to walk on this morning. We reached the end of the beach walk a little before 10:00 am and took a short break to eat breakfast.

The next couple of kilometers was on a farm track through a forest. It was nice to be off the sand, but it didn’t last long. The trail then joined a paved road for the next 17 km into the town of Bull. My feet were pretty sore by the time I got there.

I caught up to Claudio in town and we grabbed a late lunch together at The Bull Cafe. The cafe and most of the businesses in town play word games off the town name saying how relata”Bull”or relia”Bull”or hospita”Bull” they are.

After eating we walked the last kilometer to the Bull Holiday Park and opted to share a room there since there was some rain in the forecast for this evening.

Shortly after we checked in it began a light rain and continued into the evening. We decided to just cook our hiker food and stay in for the night.

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