Te Araroa Trail – Day 70

Friday, January 12, 2024
Distance/ Total: 17.6 km / 10.9 mi

It was going to be a long, tough day today so I was up at 6:00 am and on the trail by 6:45. Claudio and I started together and the trail began with a nice steep climb up to Waiopehu peak then a slight drop into a saddle and then up Twin peak. Twin peak had a memorial trig on the top. We were on the clouds so there was no views to see.

After twin peak there was a long steep descent into a valley and then a climb back up the other side to Te Matawai hut. We stopped and ate breakfast there.

Back on the trail it was a 500m climb to Pukamatawai Peak. It was a hard steep climb and we were both getting tired by this point. The trail split and we began following a ridge line down to Dracophyllim Hut. at least it was down hill, but again steep and tough. We reached the hut exhausted and took a short break and ate lunch.

It was still early and we wanted to make it to Nichol’s hut for the night. Fortunately the trail to Nichol’s hit didn’t have really big elevation. Unfortunately it had a lot of ups and down over steep terrain. We were already tired and this trail really wore us out. The last bit before the hut was a 200m climb and we were both moving very slowly to the top.

We arrived at the hut about 5:30, changed out of our stinky clothes, and cooked dinner. after dinner we turned in early to get rested up for another long day tomorrow (hopefully not as hard).

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