Te Araroa Trail – Day 78

Wednesday January 24, 2024
Distance/ Total: 29.6 km / 18.4 mi

Well last nights bed took the prize for the worst bed on this trip so far. The mattress was so soft it was like sleeping in a hammock. I woke up about 11:00pm and my back was killing me. I pulled my sleeping gear out of my backpack and inflated my pad and finished the night on the floor. It was much better than the bed I had.

I woke about 6:30 and fixed a cup of coffee in the room. I went out on the patio to enjoy it, but the dew had made everything damp and it was a little chilly outside. I went back in the room and drank my coffee and updated my blog. Breakfast starts at 8:00 so I wait around until then and head to the restaurant to see what they offer.

I had a great breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and toast. Unfortunately the fire alarm went off in the middle of my meal and we had to go outside for a few minutes until it was cleared. Just a false alarm.

I left the lodge a little after 9:00 am and was planning for a 30 km day. The trail was just as good as yesterday with gradual ups and downs. It circled around the end of Endeavor Inlet and headed to Camp Bay on the opposite shore. I reached there about noon and stopped in at their restaurant and picked up a cold coke to go with my hiker lunch.

Back to the trail it was more ups and downs and some great views at some of the viewpoints. I stopped again at Bay of Many Coves campsite and ate a snack in their shelter. I had a signal there and was able to book a room at the hostel in Havelock for Friday night.

The last 10km seemed to go by pretty fast as the trail continued to undulate over the hills. I arrived at the Black Rock Campsite about 6:00pm and there were 4 other tents already there. As I looked for a flat place to setup I heard one of the campers chasing a Weka out from her tent. It looks like we might have some trouble with the birds tonight.

I setup my tent, cooked dinner and visited with the other campers. All are doing the Queen Charlotte Track and finishing up on the next day or two. I headed back to my tent to write this blog and change out of my sweaty hiking clothes. I’m making sure everything is put up so the birds can’t get anything tonight.

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