Te Araroa Trail – Day 87

Friday February 2, 2024
Distance/ Total: 6.9 km / 4.3 mi

Today and tomorrow are planned Nero days. It’s supposed to rain pretty heavily this afternoon so I want to get to the next hut before the rain starts. I was on the trail before 7:00am and the trail was pretty easy overall.

It started with a short climb up to a saddle and then down the opposite side of the mountain. The downhill side was very steep with a lot of loose rocks and the going was pretty slow. Once to the bottom I started uphill for a repeat performance.

Once reaching the second saddle I could see the Potters Creek Hut across the valley. This time it was a gradual downhill and I was making pretty good time when it began to sprinkle. I deployed my trusty umbrella and continued to the hut.

I arrived at the hut about 10:00am and was surprised to find it empty. I selected a bunk and settled in. The sprinkling continued on and off until about 12:00 when it really started raining hard. I’m glad I’m in a hut for the afternoon.

Three other hikers arrived shortly after noon and opted to stay for the day as well. We visited for awhile and everyone ended up taking a short nap in the afternoon.

Two more hikers arrived in the evening and talk turned to plans for tomorrow. Most are planning to hike out tomorrow morning and hitch into St. Arnaud. I’m just planning to make it to the next hut – Red Hill.

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