Te Araroa Trail – Day 96

Sunday February 11, 2024
Distance/ Total: 0.0 km / 0.0 mi

Zero day in Hanmer Springs.

I slept in until after 7:00am this morning and was pretty slow getting around. I thought about going out for breakfast but it was raining when I got up and I didn’t want to walk in the rain. I settled on a breakfast bar, some Tim Tam cookies, and coffee at the lodge.

The rain stopped around 10:00am and I walked down to the grocery store to pick up a couple of snacks I shorted myself on yesterday. On the way back I took a short detour through the old Queen Mary Hospital, a old hospital built in 1916 to treat WWI injured soldiers returning from war. The adjacent hot springs were found to be beneficial to their treatment.

I dropped off my groceries and uploaded some blogs to fill the morning. For lunch I ordered a take-away kebab and ate it in the city park. Returning to the lodge I washed my laundry and watched a movie on Netflix in the afternoon.

For Dinner I went to an Irish Pub and had a great dinner of Roast Beef, potatoes, and vegetables.

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