Te Araroa Trail – Day 114

Thursday February 29, 2024
Distance/ Total: 22.5 km / 14.0 mi

The cloud cover cleared overnight and it got very cold. After getting to bed late we slept in and climbing out of the tent in the morning I could see in the daylight the campsite just a few hundred yards down the trail. Well at least we got close. We finally got moving down the trail about 9:00 am.

The trail followed a 4WD road for a few kilometers then joined a paved road. Just a short walk down the paved road the trail entered a car park and joined the Alps 2 Ocean Bike Trail (A2O). This was a gravel trail that followed the shoreline of Lake Pukaki. The views across Lake Pukaki were fantastic and we could see Mt. Cook in the distance.

We followed the trail to the Pukaki High Dam and stopped by the visitors center to eat our lunch. I was hoping for a Coke, but their drink selection was very limited so I stuck with the water I had.

Back on the trail we continued to follow the A2O as it ran through a pine forest and then onto Pukaki Flats, a dry lowlands area with sparse vegetation.

The trail led to the town of Twizel where we left the trail and headed to the Twizel Holiday Park. We checked in, pitched our tents, and took inventory to see what we needed for resupply. I showered and changed into “town clothes” before heading into town for dinner. We had a delicious meal at a Thai Restaurant.

Back at camp I turned in early, still tired from the late night last night.

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