Hayduke Trail – Day 10

March 23, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 0 / 122.9 Last night seemed like the coldest night since we started the trail. Our socks and shoes, wet from the hike yesterday, were frozen this morning. Despite the cold we made a fairly early start with hopes of making it to Needles in time to catch a ride into Moab with some of […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 9

March 22, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 0 / 122.9 It snowed on and off throughout the night, but very little accumulation. But as we started packing up it began to snow pretty heavy and continued throughout the morning. We headed back toward the pour-off we needed to ascend to get out of Fable Valley and we noticed their was much more […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 8

March 21, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 17.1 / 122.9 I was tired when I got to camp last night and fell asleep about 7:30. When I awoke a few hours later I was surprised to see that it had snowed about 1/2”. The good news is that it was through for the night and there was no more rain or snow. […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 7

March 20, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 19 / 105.8 This morning wasn’t quite as cold, but the wind was really blowing making the wind chill seem colder than the previous days. We started of with a short road walk to Big Springs. This was our water source for the next 25 miles. What the notes didn’t tell us was that there […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 6

March 19, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 10.3 / 86.8 It was supposed to only get down to 40 last night but our shoes and socks were frozen this morning. We got our gear together and were able to catch our first sunrise of the trip from our campsite. As we got back on trail we still had a few hundred feet […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 5

March 18, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 16.2 / 76.5 Another cold morning kept us in our sleeping bags until the sun started coming out. we we on the trail again about 7:30. We still had a ways to go to get down Lockhart canyon and we began by climbing down below another pour-off. A little further down the canyon the trail […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 4

March 17, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 17.8 / 60.3 It was 24 degrees when I woke up this morning and Ken and I decided to stay in our sleeping bags a little longer to keep warm. We finally got around and we’re on the trail by 7:30. We dry camped last night (no nearby water source) so our first stop was […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 3

March 16, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 19.6 / 42.5 We arrived at the campsite after hours yesterday so we had to go in a pay when they opened at 8:00. We grabbed a complimentary cup of coffee and headed down the trail. The trail goes through Moab and we stopped and picked up a few items and some camp fuel. Now […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 2

March 15, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 19.7 / 22.9 After going to bed at 8:00 last night we were both up early and anxious to get hiking. We were up and on the trail about 5:30 am. It doesn’t get daylight until about 7:00 so we hiked about an hour and a half with headlamps We stopped at Willow Springs and […]

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Hayduke Trail – Day 1

March 14, 2023Miles Today/ Total: 3.2 / 3.2 I had an early start this morning when my daughter, Haley, picked me up at 4:30am to take me to the Airport. The first leg of my trip was to Denver and I was there by 7:00 am. With almost a 6 hour layover I was glad to meet up with Ken […]

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