Te Araroa Trail – Day 64

Saturday, January 6, 2024Distance/ Total: 39.5 km / 24.5 mi Despite our efforts to sleep in this morning Claudio and I were both awake by 6:30 am. We packed up and hit the trail about 7:30. The trail out of Bull was a road walk on the highway. The trail turned off the highway just after crossing a bridge over […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 63

Friday, January 5, 2024Distance/ Total: 33.1 km / 20.6mi I was up and ready to hike by 7:30 this morning. There was 13.5 km of beach walk to start the day off. We started about 1 1/2 hours after high tide so we had nice hard sand to walk on this morning. We reached the end of the beach walk […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 62

Thursday, January 4, 2024Distance/ Total: 32.5 km / 20.2 mi Claudio and I slept in this morning since we had a tidal river to cross at the end of our day and needed to cross near low tide. Low tide was 11pm so we planned for a late start and would try to cross about 9:00 to 9:30pm. We opted […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 61

Wednesday, January 3, 2024Distance/ Total: 21.1 km / 13.1 mi I woke up to the sound of a light rain this morning and had to pack up the tent wet again. Claudio and I were up and on the trail about 7:30. It was going to be a pretty quick day and all downhill to Mangapurua Landing. The trail was […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 60

Tuesday, January 2, 2024Distance/ Total: 40.5 km / 25.2 mi Claudio and I were up early since we knew we had a long day. Roger and Sharon provided breakfast this morning so we ate our fill before heading down the trail. The trail today started with a 24km road walk to Whakahoro. The trail was paved road for about 3 […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 59

Monday, January 1, 2024Distance/ Total: 27.7 km / 17.2 mi By the time I got to the 4 square convenience store last night they were closed, so the first thing on my list this morning was to go pick up my two day food resupply when they opened at 7:00 am. I returned to the hostel and repacked my food […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 58

Sunday, December 31, 2023Distance/ Total: 19.4 km / 12.1 mi I rained through the night again, although mostly just a sprinkle. I didn’t want to get up and since the office was closed when I arrived last night, I had to go in at 8:00am and pay for my campsite. I packed up my gear and went to the kitchen […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 57

Saturday, December 30, 2023Distance/ Total: 34.8 km / 21.6 mi The rain continued through the night and it was still raining in the morning. The rain came in waves – heavy rain for a few minutes, then sprinkling for a few minutes. I sat on the front porch of my cabin and watched the clouds blowing by. By about 7:00am […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 56

Friday, December 29, 2023Distance/ Total: 28.1 km / 17.5 mi It started raining about midnight and continued on until this morning. knowing it was supposed to rain all day I wasn’t too anxious to get up and out into it. I forced myself up and packed up all my gear inside my tent. I then crawled out and packed up […]

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Te Araroa Trail – Day 55

Thursday, December 28, 2023Distance/ Total: 33.8 km / 21.0 mi Staying at the canoe camp always means an early morning. The guest going out on the river are up about 5:30 because they have to have everything packed up before going to orientation at 7:00am. I stayed in my bed until about 6:00am and then started getting ready. I took […]

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